Tulip Etimo Rose – le crochet dans le confort / comfortable crocheting

Trop, trop contente de pouvoir enfin vous proposer LES crochets ergonomiques par excellence (en tout cas à mon avis) : les Etimo Rose de Tulip, une entreprise japonaise.

So, so happy to be able at last to offer the most excellent ergonomic crochet hooks (at least in my opinion): Etimo Rose hooks from Tulip, a Japanese company.

Parmi tous les crochets à manche spécial que j’ai pu essayer, ce sont mes préférés. Je trouve qu’ils apportent un confort inégalable. Pourquoi ne pas essayer vous-même ?

Among all the hooks with special grips that I have tried, these are the ones I prefer. I find that they are extremely comfortable to work with. Why not try yourself?

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4 commentaires pour “Tulip Etimo Rose – le crochet dans le confort / comfortable crocheting

  1. I am very interested in trying these. But how do you hold your crochet hook? Since I returned to crocheting 5 years ago after learning it 40 years ago, I can see online how nicely many people hold it – more like a pen. Whereas I have a rougher looking grip with all fingers. My hand does not get tired so that is good. I have not tried changing my grip either. I will probably order these soon to give them a try.

    1. Thank you for your order, Kristina – it’s true that you can’t know without trying. I hold my hook as most people in contintental Europe, more or less like a pen. In the US, for example, I believe that the « knife hold » (with the hand over the hook rather than under it) is the most common.
      In all cases, and certainly if your hand doesn’t get tired, I think the best is to adapt the hook to your grip rather than the other way around.
      Do let me know what you think about the hooks!

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