Annette Petavy Design – Newsletter February 2007



It’s time for love!

Oh yes, now that Valentine’s day, with it’s commercial hassle and high expectations, is finally over, it is really, really the time to show your love for the people around you!

This month, my French and Swedish readers will thus receive the translation of my Love Scarf pattern, initially published in Crochet Me. My English-speaking subscribers can, of course, still find the original version here.

The Love Scarf is worked in one of my favourite crochet stitch patterns, the granite stitch. I want to take the opportunity to pull your attention to this stitch, and encourage you to explore its possibilities. The full description of the (very easy) stitch is found in the scarf pattern.

I have sometimes heard people rave about the granite stitch because the fabric produced is reminiscent of knitting. This, however, is not why I am so fond of this stitch. I understand that people who devote their time to crochet alone may sometimes want to achieve this effect. Personally, however, I am a bicraftual girl, and if I want something to look knitted, I’ll knit it.

My love for the granite stitch is founded on the many, many lovely colour effects and variations it lends itself to. I will give you a few simple examples.

















































Working simple stripes in the granite stitch breaks up the monotony of regular stripes and gives a pleasing jagged effect, in two colours or more.

When working with three colours, and changing colour on every row, you obtain a tweedy effect. The result will be more or less muted depending on the shades used.

This is the same idea, but worked with five colours.

And this is the « three-colour tweed » again, but with a change of one of the colours now and then.

(I worked this swatch when my brother’s wife was expecting their second child. I was convinced they would have a girl. They got a beautiful son, so I had to change my colour scheme a bit.)

The overlapping effect of this stitch pattern lends itself well to transitions between colours.

This overlapping also means that you can get nice, clean lines when changing colours.

(Swatch for a cardigan for my son when he was a baby. Colour inspiration from a Kaffe Fassett embroidery.)

You can also achieve neat diagonal lines.


So… are your fingers itching yet? Go pick up your hook!


See you soon!

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