Annette Petavy Design – Newsletter March 2007




  It’s still March!

Another busy month…

So this is a late newsletter – or rather, a quick note to tell you what’s up, and why I am so busy!

In the news:

The next issue of Interweave Crochet will be on the newsstands April 10. I have two patterns in this issue. You can check the preview here. I will also be part of this issue in another way – I’ll let you discover it by yourselves.

Also at Interweave Press, it is now official: the Crochet Me book will be published this fall! It includes designs of many Crochet Me contributors, and I’m one of them.

At the website:

It doesn’t show yet, but I’m working very hard behind the scenes to be able to offer you the opportunity to buy exclusive patterns from my site. I’ll let you know when everything is ready!

In the future:

Crochet-wise, I’m working on accessories for a French publisher. Normally, these projects will take the shape of a special issue of a magazine, and be on the French newsstands the coming winter.

I’m also waiting for some yummy American yarn to arrive, so I can work on some things for the fall issue of Interweave Crochet.

And in my life outside crochet (it does exist), my family will be moving from Alsace to Lyon this summer. Which means we are buying a house and selling another – a project which could keep me busy all by itself!


See you soon!



















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