Happy New Year 2018! – Newsletter December 2018

Happy New Year 2018!

As usual, at the end of the year, I’m taking a short break from crochet tutorials to reflect on the past year and share a few ideas for the year to come.

2017 was the year when you could watch me on screen – my French YouTube channel grew, and I started a channel in English. I also appeared (briefly) on national TV news in October – lots of fun!

Four new patterns this year:

From top to bottom (and in chronological order): Wave (crocheted asymmetrical triangle), Sibylla (knitted reversible crescent), Siebold (crocheted large crescent) and Pyramidal (crocheted half circle pi shawl). A few nice construction ideas in there.

Oh, I almost forgot that I also published two free patterns in the newsletter:

Two cowls: Dryas to the left and Pilier to the right.

So what about 2018? A page still unwritten, but I have a few ideas and hopes for it.

In knitting, reversible stitch patterns are still very much on my menu. 2017 was also the year when I discovered that stranded knitting was far less complicated than I had thought, so I hope to work on that in 2018.
In crochet, the post stitches explored in the newsletter these past few months still have a lot to give. And I didn’t spend enough time on different crochet colour techniques this year, so this must be done in the year to come.


And what about you? What inspires you on the threshold of 2018? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

As for me, I will continue on the road ahead, simply trying to put a little more beauty, colour, and kindness into this world every day, because I think it needs it. I don’t know exactly where this road will take me, but bends and changes of direction are what make the trip interesting!

As Swedish poet Karin Boye put it in her poem « In Motion »:

« The sated day is never first.
The best day is a day of thirst.

Yes, there is goal and meaning in our path –
but it’s the way that is the labour’s worth.

The best goal is a nightlong rest,
fire lit, and bread broken in haste.

In places where one sleeps but once,
sleep is secure, dreams full of songs.

Strike camp, strike camp! The new day shows its light.
Our great adventure has no end in sight. »

(English translation by David McDuff)

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking a few steps on the road with me.

I wish you a magnificent, creative year in 2018!

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