Annette Petavy Design – Newsletter February 2008




  February 2008: In the pipeline

A short newsletter this month – just to let you know what I’ve been up to, and give you a taste of spring!

Things may always change, the best-laid plans can go awry, but I can’t resist the pleasure of telling you what I have in the pipeline for the near future. When I work for other publishers, everything is top secret until the release of the book or magazine. But when I work on projects for my own pattern shop, at least I can talk about them!

After having realized that no one can do everything all by herself, I have found a number of people sharing my love of crochet and eager to help me out with the actual crocheting of designs. This way I can work on more designs than I would ever be able to produce all by myself. So this spring, what would you say about…

… a zippered sleeveless hoodie?

… a little something in laceweight yarn? 

… a cardigan with several stitch patterns?

And if none of these designs tickle your fancy, perhaps some pretty, delicate fingerless mittens or a sock yarn bag or two would do? To be continued…

See you soon!

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