Everything’s amazing, nobody’s happy – (Tout est fantastique et personne n’est heureux)

Rien à voir avec le crochet, le tricot et la couture, tout à voir avec notre façon de voir le quotidien et notre incapacité d’apprécier les miracles qui émaillent notre quotidien. (Uniquement en anglais, malheureusement, mais si vous comprenez, c’est 4 minutes bien investies).

Nothing to do with crochet, knitting or sewing, but everything to do with our way to see everyday life and our inability to appreciate all the miracles that make up our everyday life. 4 minutes well worth your time.


Et je promets de ne pas me plaindre du fait que mon lave-vaisselle est en panne.

And I promise not to whine about my dishwasher not working.

Posts created 2337

2 commentaires pour “Everything’s amazing, nobody’s happy – (Tout est fantastique et personne n’est heureux)

  1. Thanks for that link. I listened to it twice. I went away for about an hour, then came back and it had been removed from Youtube. How wonderful to have caught it while there.

    I felt that sense of awe the other day. I was eating pancakes made with buckwheat (an american pseudo-grain) and teff flour (almost exclusively eaten in Ethiopia, my best friend has an Ethiopian restaurant and the grain is gluten free so I use it often). I then put incredible organic ice cream on it, and on top of that, lingonberry preserves. Lingonberries are Swedish, and they are just wonderful.

    So I was eating this incredibly high-quality meal that included foods from three continents. And it was delicious! And I really counted my blessings.

    My mother grew up on a farm in the 1940s, small town Minnesota, USA. They got one orange a year, on Christmas. They were in season then, but they were far too expensive to ship at that time, for them to be everyday food.

    Now I can have Lingonberries any day I want, in season or not. From another continent.

    I, for one, do not take this abundance for granted. Thank you for connecting me with at least a moment of knowing that I’m not the only one counting blessings.

    LynnH in Michigan, USA

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