Annette Petavy Design – Newsletter December 2007




  December 2007: Looking back… and ahead!

It is freezing cold here in the mountains west of Lyon. The trees and the ground are covered in frost – everything looks like a postcard!

We are preparing for Christmas here – and then for a new year. When I was a child, Christmas was definitely my favourite moment of all. I still enjoy it, but nowadays I look forward even more to the start of the new year.

This is a time when I like to look back – not to regret things, but to remember and learn from what happened. I had the feeling that I hadn’t been very productive this year. Then, this morning, I sat down and went through my project photos from 2007 – and boy, did I work up designs! There are so many more ideas in my head, however. One of my goals for 2008 is to channel my creative energy in such a way that it leads to even more finished projects.

Another goal is to plan better – and to achieve this, I have been looking for a calendar. Something not too cumbersome, with space to write and plan, and still some colourful pictures to encourage and inspire. The other day, I was standing in a store in front of a rack with beautiful photo calendars. There were photos of food, photos of babies, photos of fantastic places all over the world. I didn’t know which one to chose. I said to myself « If only there were a crochet calendar, I would buy one! »

And then I went home and made one.

It’s my first try at calendarmaking, and it is very simple and basic – but I thought, if I like it, someone else might like it, so I decided to share it with all of you. If you enjoy it, please let me know – I already have plans for how I could improve the calendar for 2009!

Before you click the link below, please note that this is quite a large pdf file (1.7 MB). It will take some time to download because of the photos.

Download Crochet Calendar for 2008

The calendar will open in your pdf reader, and you can then save it to your computer.

I wish you all the best new year possible!

See you in 2008!




















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