Annette Petavy Design – Newsletter november 2006



      November 2006 – What’s new?

News at the site:

Well, the news are… the brand new site! Since you’re reading this, you already know that my web site went live in october. The English version, followed by the French one, went on-line this past month. The Swedish version is under translation and will follow soon.

Right now, this is mainly a site to introduce myself and my work, and many of the links will lead the reader to other places. In the very near future, though, the site will grow and develop with specific features for each language.

News elsewhere:

I’m dreaming of spring… I have to, even if the weather here in France has been decidely autumnal these past few days, and most of all I feel like rolling up in thick sweaters and warm shawls. When the sun returns, you will discover the result of my spring-oriented labour, e.g. in the Spring Issue of Interweave Crochet. But please don’t talk about it, for now, it’s a secret…

News everywhere:

I’m inspired by:

The colours of autumn – I thought this season’s colour was supposed to be grey, but it seems I’m not the only one in France to long for chestnuts and cappuccino.

Long socks that show above your boots, sleeves which are a bit puffy at the bottom, vests.

Winter squash in all their colours, shapes and flavours.

And laceweight wool…


See you soon!




























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