Hiding the « seam » in a solid dc circle – Newsletter March 2017

In the shop

Good news for my English-speaking customers – I have a brand-new webshop in English, with, among other things, functioning Paypal payment!

As soon as I get all the pdfs back on the server, the immediate downloads should also work. In the meantime, if you have any problem whatsoever, just send me an email.

One of the pdfs already on the server is my brand new shawl design, Wave!

Vague, châle crochet
This asymmetrical triangle is easy to crochet, yet gives a gorgeous result.

Make it in your favourite gradient yarn and wear it in a million ways.

Wave is available in my webshop and on Ravelry.

Hiding the « seam » in a dc circle

A small tip this month, in response to two of my friends who were unhappy with the look of their dc circles!

What bothered them was the visible « seam » resulting from the start of each round, where they were instructed to ch 3 to count as a dc – as in the green circle below.

It is perfectly OK to accept this « seam » – but you can also try to improve it, as in the pink circle.

Here is what I suggest:

Instead of starting the round with 3 ch that count as a dc, we start with 2 ch that don’t count as a dc. These chains are made just to lift our hook to the right height for the upcoming round of dc:s.

Work a dc in the first stitch in the previous round (where we just made the slip stitch that closed the previous round). This dc is the first stitch in the new round.

We continue our round as indicated in our pattern.

Here we are at the end of the round. The two red arrows point to the 2 chains worked at the beginning of the round. We are going to ignore them. The big black arrow indicates the first dc in the round. This is the stitch where we are going to insert our hook to work the slip stitch that will close the round.

Our round is finished. The 2 ch turn to the side without us needing to help them, and look very similar to a dc among the others. The slip stitches are still visible (if you have a tip on how to hide them, please let me know!), but the overall effect is far more discreet than with « ch 3, count as a dc ».

If you are interested in this topic, you might also enjoy my newsletter from November 2012 about flat circles.

Please feel free to comment below!

See you soon!





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