Annette Petavy Design – Newsletter December 2009 – Happy New Year!

Newsletter December 2009: Best wishes for the New Year!The end of another year – it might have been happy, it might not. In any case, the start of the new year is a time of hope, of resolutions, of renewal.I hope you will all have a wonderful new year, that you will stay healthy, that you will be able to make all your projects come true and that you will have lots of time to crochet!I have two things in store to celebrate the start of the new year.1: Free shipping on all kits until January 31. Yes, the kits are back in the shop. Yes, the shipping is free, whatever the destination. Yes, this is valid until the end of January.2: For every month of next year, a crochet-themed wallpaper for your computer.  The entire list is here, but I will also include a link for next month’s wallpaper in each of my newsletters during 2010.Computer monitors come in all sizes, and I have been able to produce wallpapers only for a certain number of them. To check your computer screen’s resolution (if you have Windows), right-click somewhere on your desktop (not on an icon!) and select Properties, and then Settings. The resolution is expressed in pixels; for example, 1600 by 1200 pixels. Take note of your screen’s resolution, and choose the closest one in my wallpaper list. Click the link, and the picture will appear on your screen. Right-click the picture, and choose « Set as background/wallpaper ». Most often, you will then be able to adjust the display of the wallpaper in a small window – if not, you can do it afterwards through the Control Panel.Happy 2010 – and don’t forget, your January desktop wallpaper is here! See you next year!signature

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