Newsletter December 2015 – Happy New Year 2016!

In the shop :

To finish this year in beauty, I am so happy to present EclatDuSoleil’s newest crochet design, the Blue Leaves shawl!

blueleaves 1
A very unusual and lacy stitch pattern in the center, a splendid border, all worked with 2 balls of London, my laceweight wool/silk yarn.
More information in the shop.

Also, the very popular yak down yarn Gengis Khan is available again in the shop :

gamme yak
You can find it here.

On the blog:

logo calendrierThe most important event on the blog in December was the Advent Calendar. During the week, we crocheted small motifs inspired by traditional Irish Crochet, and during the weekends, many of you took advantage of the special offers.

The tutorials for leaves and flowers remain available on the blog (category dec2015), and you can also join the Facebook group to see what happened there.

I really enjoyed this combination calendar, with a crochet-along and special offers – I think I will keep the idea for next year!


Happy New Year 2016!

As usual, the last newsletter of the year does not come with a tutorial – it’s simply a moment to look back on the year that comes to an end and to turn towards the future.

I had lots of pleasure this year to work with my designer friends EclatDuSoleil, Laurence Bertolle and Sarah Mombert, who all published exclusive patterns in my shop.

There were also patterns of my own design:

creations 2015
Debussy, to be crocheted in DK alpaca or DK merino – Euphorbia, a new version in linen of a pattern originally published in Interweave Crochet in 2014 – Stina, a knitted baby blanket in organic cotton – A new version of my Capelette pattern, this time crocheted in Mini Mochi – Blueberry Pi(e), a crocheted semi-circular pi shawl in fingering weight merino and Mini Mochi.

In the newsletter from December 2014 I discussed what inspired me most at the time. It’s both amusing and interesting to look back on 2015 and see what this inspiration bred.
My interest in traditional Swedish embroidery inspired a pair of decorated wristwarmers, all in crochet (and not embroidered at all):

I explained how I made them in the newsletter for February 2015.

Crocheted short rows still remain to be explored!

But my thoughts around shawl shapes became three different newsletters:

formes de chales
Triangles in the April/May newsletter, half circles in the June newsletter and baktus explorations in the July newsletter.

So what about 2016 … ?

ill 10

I’m thinking about mosaic crochet – I discussed it in a newsletter dating back to January 2010, but it seems to me that many things are still to be done. More generally, I’m thinking a lot about multicoloured crochet.

Motifs – I think I have a lot left to do on this topc!

And when it comes to knitting, reversible stitch patterns (not necessarily identical on both sides) intrigue me a lot.

I will do exactly as I did last year: I will put all this in the inspirational pot, let it simmer, and see what comes out!

And you? What inspires you for 2016? Please let me know in the  comments below!


I do not think I’m the only one to have found 2015 a difficult year – perhaps especially here in France. We don’t know what the new year holds, but I’m sure of one thing: with our hands, each and every one of us can fill our little corner of the world with warmth, colour and creativity. Little by little, we can make the world a more beautiful place.

Many, many thanks for your loyalty, your support and your kindness. My conversations with you, readers, customers, Facebook and real life friends, light up my days and make me want to continue and always push a little further.

I wish you a very happy creative year 2016!

happy new year 2016
See you soon!


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Un commentaire pour “Newsletter December 2015 – Happy New Year 2016!

  1. Annette,
    Thank you for your consistent enthusiasm, thoughtful direction, and sincere spirit invested in your work — and for sharing it with us! Your newsletter spreads joy to all who understand the special fulfillment of working with yarn and hooks. Busy hands and warm hearts. A peaceful and content year to you and your family.

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