Happy New Year 2019! – Newsletter December 2018


I have a blog in English again! In 2019, you’re welcome to follow me over on my English blog.

You can expect an article every week or so. The main focus will be crochet, but I’m continually inspired by other textile art forms so they will be featured there too.

Photo: Anna Bauer

You can head on over there right away to read an article on Swedish textile artist Anna Bauer.

Happy New Year 2019!

As usual, there is no new tutorial in the December newsletter, but a few words on the year coming to an end and the one to begin.

These were the topics discussed in my 2018 newsletters:

The basic theme in 2018 was colourwork in crochet. It is, of course, going to continue in 2019, since stripes are not the only way to use more than one colour in your projects! However, I was very happy to follow my ideas down the stripe rabbit hole. I was able to explore things that I have never seen discussed elsewhere, such as increasing and decreasing at the selvedge in chevron patterns.

In 2018, I published four new designs:

Quite the balance between crochet and knit, two of each!

  • At the top left, Flinga, a crochet cowl and mittens.
  • At the top right, Lady in Red, a crochet shawl using the beautiful yarn of Renaissance Dyeing
  • At the bottom left, Mum’s Wrap, a knitted pattern yet to be translated into English.
  • At the bottom right, Vera, a reversible knitted scarf.

I was also very happy to publish a lovely knitting pattern by Hélène Marcy/EclatDuSoleil, La vie en rose:

In 2018, I also did a lot of teaching here in France and organized two weekend workshops on crochet design.

So, what about 2019?

Of course, we never know what the future holds – but I have lots of projects!

The series on crochet colourwork in the newsletter will continue, with fun and fascinating techniques.

I want to continue developing my teaching and hope to take part of it online in some form.

I want to improve the English language part of my website and add features for international customers – the new blog is the first step in this direction!

Behind the scenes, I will continue working freelance for French yarn companies as a pattern writer. I started doing this in 2018, and even if it took up a lot of time at the beginning of the year, it’s a great way for me to bring in some more revenue (an important goal!) and to develop my skills in a new way.

And more generally, I intend to knit and crochet with passion and joy!

I wish you a wonderful 2019, full of creativity, colour and yarn!

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7 commentaires pour “Happy New Year 2019! – Newsletter December 2018

  1. Dear Annette,
    it’s always a great pleasure to read your newsletter! So much interesting informations about crochet, that‘s hard to find even if you ask Google Thank you very much, also for the fantastic Advent calendar! Have a wonderful new year!!!

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